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Thursday, 5 May 2016

Unit X: Lines of Enquiry/ Investigations Submission

Lines of Enquiry/ Investigations

Thursday 5th May 2016

The team has worked independently; members have been assigned tasks which they complete before a given deadline. This way each member can manage their individual task in a time that suits them in a way that works best. The results are shared with the rest of the group and reflected upon. This is because we discovered that every member of the group may not be available at the same time to work together; therefore we had to work around this by allowing members to complete work in their free time, and maintain communication through social media.
It is not how I wanted the team to have worked, despite this I believe that the team has coped well with the situation and we have completed our tasks before the installation. This still poses problems as messages are not always read immediately or replied to when they need an answer which does slow down the process of work. However this method is more effective compared to waiting a day when every member is available to attend a meeting. I feel that we have faced this situation and adapted to how the group works together; this allows the work to progress.

As our structure is an installation, the tasks involved collecting appropriate items that will be hung from the ceiling. After visiting the space we had found a room that would have been the most suitable for our whole installation for a number of reasons. These included the effect we wanted to achieve within the space as well as health and safety reasons due to the nature of hanging objects. 
However we were not given this space, we had been assigned to the other corner which is not walled off. Therefore our group discussed ideas how to deal with the situation and use the space to our advantage.

Because our group had chosen an installation, we had all chosen to challenge ourselves within an area we are not familiar with. Therefore creating this structure hasn’t affected my practice, but this has been influenced by my knowledge of animation and the way I want to portray movement through the objects despite being static. During the visit of the space we met the other two members of our group who were initially absent. They were updated about our progress and were happy with our idea, this was good because it was too late for any significant changes.

In preparation for the installation, I had created a number of tests to evaluate how the structure may look with the materials we had chosen. This was important because we had only discussed and designed what we wanted the structure to look like, not tested what it would appear. Therefore using materials I had collected myself, I produced a number of tests and images which I shared with the rest of the group. These tests can be viewed on my blog posts:

Pleased with the results we have chosen to move forward with our ideas and chosen materials.

In addition, I took the opportunity to learn new areas and apply them to the group through attending workshops, I was not able to effectively apply these ideas to our idea. This is because the workshops I had attended did not relate to what our group intend to produce, however I would not say the workshops were a waste. This is because with the knowledge of other areas, I have thought deeply of my own practice and this project and have seen the challenges from a new perspective.

As we have produced all of our ideas and know what we want to create, we have to now install the structure within the space. We have collected the items and have planned where they will be, therefore we will discuss what items will be taken and what equipment we will bring with us. We have planned to spend the time to create the structure by all possible members attending as many days as possible. This means that the structure would be created sooner and allow time for the anticipation of problems arising and solving them. We will maintain communication from now and throughout the week to ensure effective progress is maintained.

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