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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Unit X: Install DAY 2

Continuing from yesterday, we have spent today creating the structure for the exhibition on Thursday. After the support was secured it allowed us to hang the rest of the structure, because we had to hang each section after another. Much like yesterday we faced a number of problems which we faced and solved as a team.

I was the first on site again and took the opportunity to record our progress throughout the build. Georgianna and Lauren arrived in the morning and then Sam and Eve arrived later. During the morning we faced the problem of finding step ladders which were available, the ladders were essential for us otherwise we could not hang the chicken mesh from the support. We were told there would be enough ladders for the groups, however this affected us dramatically because we could not progress without ladders which meant we had to wait for other groups to finish. Luckily we spent time planning how we would hang objects and Georgianna brought the idea forward to double the number of chicken mesh rings. This would fill the tornado’s gaps as the structure is quite tall; therefore we spent the time without ladders cutting the chicken mesh rings so altogether we had eight rings.

Throughout the day we had to ask colleagues and other groups to share and borrow the ladders to hang the rings, which was a challenge with only three people. We had planned to have enough people completing separate tasks however there weren’t enough ladders to do so as we could not reach the top, therefore we had myself and Georgianna hanging the rings as Lauren created the burnt effects and items to be hung. The chicken mesh was very difficult to work with as it has sharp edges (which caused cuts!) and coiled as it hung; therefore we had to secure extra lines to straighten the rings.

After some lunch Sam arrived and then Eve; we continued to hang the remaining rings and create the effects for the items. Georgianna, Sam and I worked together to hang the rings, the items and secure the overall structure whereas Lauren and Eve worked together to create the effects for the photographs and experimented with the hanging items to create interesting and dynamic results.  

Overall today has been stressful as we have had to tolerate other groups as they took our much needed equipment and switched the lights off without warning. Despite this we worked together to where we are now; I believe we have faced these problems effectively and have learnt what we now need to do. For tomorrow we plan to complete the structure by hanging the remaining items to fill the gaps. To do this we need to have at least one set of ladders which we will find tomorrow and ensure we have all of the required materials and tools to allow us to progress. By completing the structure tomorrow this allows us to plan what will happen during the exhibition and who will be invigilating on which days.

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