Compiling Assets
24th January 2017
Once I had completed the affects in Nuke, I exported them as
MP4s, this allowed me to import them into Adobe Premiere. This way I can
compile all of the assets together to create the final teaser trailer.
Screenshots of using Nuke:
I found using Nuke a challenge, i had to search several times for solutions to problems. but now that I have spent time with Nuke I have a better overall understanding.
Screenshots of using Nuke:
I found using Nuke a challenge, i had to search several times for solutions to problems. but now that I have spent time with Nuke I have a better overall understanding.
I organised my bins into videos, images and sound to keep
the interface clear. I used effects within Premiere including the opacity and
translate key frames to create fading affects. I intended to create a look of
mystery and adventure, not revealing too much detail but enough to understand
the concept.
I chose drums for the soundtrack because it is a dramatic track
causing the audience to pay attention to what is happening and to anticipate
what will happen next. This escalation of drums towards the end of the trailer
intends to excite the audience about the title.
I will fully evaluate my progress and the final trailer in a future post: Evaluation.
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