Tracking and Nodes
19th January 2017
Continuing our work from our last workshop, we learnt how to
use trackers. These track high contrast(s) within a video and tack the point throughout.
This offers opportunities to overlay and manipulate the video with several
different tools. As we are still new to Nuke, we simply started with stabilising
footage. This involved trackers to understand where the video is shaking to,
and to reduce this. I found finding high contrast areas difficult because we
had to consider the fact that not everything seen on frame 1, will be in very
single frame due to the ‘shakiness’ of the camera.
After that, we learnt how to apply ‘Cornerpins’ which
allowed us to import text and be overlaid in the video. Creating the effect
that the text/image belongs in the environment. An example of this could be a
video of a sign on a road, then it is manipulated to say something else, but appears
to be seamless in the video. We practiced this by applying graffiti to a wall
in a video, and floating text to another; an effect which can be seen in the ‘Sherlock
Television Series’.
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