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Friday, 8 April 2016

Unit X: Initial Research 'Dislocation'

Unit X Research

Giselle: Dislocation


As part of Unit X, we are required to complete research into the chosen theme. As our group did not clearly choose a theme before the holidays, this allowed us to freely research what we wanted to then share later our findings as a group. This would allow us to then share a range of diverse ideas which could potentially be combined into a inspirational original concept. 


After initial mind-mapping and research into both themes of 'Love, Betrayal and Forgivness' and 'Dislocation' . I started with research into the definitions of all of these words to gain and understanding of what they mean. 

I chose to continue research into dislocation because after the viewing of the ballet, I found that I gained the most inspiration for the theme from the end of act one when Giselle descends into madness, more details can be found on the post 'Giselle Live ballet screening'. 

·         Dislocation (Dislocate)
verb (used with object), dislocated, dislocating put out of place; put out of proper relative position; displace:
The glacier dislocated great stones. The earthquake dislocated several buildings.
2. to put out of joint or out of position, as a limb or an organ.
3. to throw out of order; upset; disorder
to disrupt or shift out of place or position
to displace (an organ or part) from its normal position, esp a bone from its joint

To research a theme I always begin with the definition because it is important to understand the meaning of the word. This is to ensure to not be confused with other words and to further examine deeper meanings and interpretations of the word. The word ‘dislocate’ is often referred to the injury where a joint is displaced from a socket. However, with the same principle in mind, I intend to explore the idea that Giselle had a place that she was, and then she has been displaced to cause her to be emotionally dislocated.

During Ballet

Refer to post ‘Giselle Live Screening’ [7/4/16].
Moment during end of act one when Giselle is betrayed by her lover, she finds out that he has already committed to another woman. Giselle begins a decent into madness portrayed by her begin let down and how the moment she takes the sword, the sword begins to control her. This escalates to the point where she stabs herself in the stomach which will later kill her. This is significant because of the discovery that person she loves has betrayed her, she ‘snaps’ and becomes a totally different character, whereas before she was the happiest girl in the world to suddenly be willing to take her own life.

Ideas- apply to display

The moment Giselle is betrayed is a significant moment during the ballet that stood out to me, because of this I’ve chosen to pursue the theme of dislocation. This is because I want to focus on the emotions and thoughts of Giselle during that moment and relate that back to the idea of how dislocated Giselle must have felt during that moment.
During the end of the act, Giselle re-enacts the moments with her lover to reveal they were all just a lie in front of both families of Giselle and the higher class. Despite being surrounded by family and loved ones, they do not recognise who she is and she feels alone as she has been betrayed.


I had a number of ideas involving installations to meet the Unit X brief. Previous ideas can be seen as part of the initial ideas stage where I had not completed any significant research.

I have had ideas involving mannequins that would make up an installation which would make up a scene or scenario relating to the theme I had selected. One idea based upon the idea of dislocation, the mannequins would be placed in a circle within a dark area that would surround the viewer. This would engage the viewer in the position of Giselle where the blank mannequins represent Giselle’s family and lover as she felt disconnected through the world. These mannequins would be accompanied by hanging shattered mirrors with strands that hold up the shattered pieces. This would represent the shattered reality that Giselle once inhabited before she was betrayed. This could be expanded upon where the viewer can upload photos of their friends and families which will then be projected on the faces of the mannequins to make the installation personal. 

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