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Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Unit X Group Talk 1

Unit X Group Talk: 1

Monday 11th April 2016

Over the Easter holidays we decided as a group to commence initial research which we will then discuss as a group to produce a collaborated concept which would be developed through specific research. Therefore we decided to meet as a group and share our ideas and research after the holidays.
I had chosen to research the theme of ‘dislocation’ as I was inspired by the Giselle ballet as you can see more of in my previous posts.
Georgina also researched the theme of ‘dislocation’ whereas Sam and Lauren researched the theme of ‘Love, Betrayal and Forgiveness’. This provided a range of research which we then discussed ideas and began combining elements together from each other’s work.
After much discussing this was the idea we had reached after the first talk:

  • We chose to continue with the theme of dislocation – this was chosen from the start to avoid the theme of ‘’underworld’ because it turned out that every group had chosen underworld and we chose to pursue a different theme to stand out as a group.

  • We will create an installation- this is because this something no-one has done before in our group. This will challenge us and provide a new experience for everyone in our group. In addition this will engage the audience to be immersed in the world we create in the space given, we would make the space interactive to engage the audience and make our work memorable.

  • World War One theme- this was a point raised by myself as this would be a great opportunity to incorporate the 100th anniversary of the First World War as this would never happen again for another 100 years.

  • The installation would be based upon the narrative of an Orphan- this was based upon Sam’s research into the theme of ‘Love, Betrayal and Forgiveness’ which he researched the story of ‘Oliver Twist’. We incorporated this idea into the theme of dislocation on the idea of how dislocated orphans are from their families.

With all of these elements we discussed the idea of creating the installation based within a child’s bedroom. This bedroom would belong to an orphan experiencing the First World War from the German’s point of view. This would provide a new look into the First World War and allow the audience to step into the world of this orphan by standing into his/her bedroom.
We even discussed about projections which would breath extra life to the installation as these would play films on the walls and bring images and the story to life before the audience's eyes. 

As not all members of the group did not attend the session we decided to discuss this further in the near future to hear all of the group’s opinions and ideas. 


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