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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

11 Second Club February 2017: Post 1

This month’s challenge is: 

With continued revision on animating I started by listening to the audio repeatedly, to understand the actor’s emotions, tones and the subject of the dialogue. From it I understood that the man had removed glass from something, my first thought would be glasses. Another idea I had would be a window would have been removed causing rain to get in.

 The subject of the dialogue is that the man has removed glass believing it is a good idea and the woman in the dialogue doesn’t agree.
I have begun with just the male character, because I can focus on one character at a time. I will recreate a character of self-contempt who believes he is clever in his choice; making him arrogant.
I started with sketches of the keys of the shot, how that character would change from pose to pose; the significant ‘stages’ within the dialogue:

Interruption  Acknowledgement (Point)   Explanation (removal)     Explanation 2 (reveal of no lens)  Put back on  'Ta-da'

After I had completed the sketches I had posed the Malcolm V2 model in Maya, timing the poses to the imported dialogue. This way I can visualise and time the movements and the staging of the character.

I will continue to work on this project, I will move onto properly posing the character to a directional camera. 

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