Professional Employability
These session are part of the Framing the Visible project and
these sessions are there to develop our understanding of the professional environment
and improve our ‘soft skills’
Thursday 29th January 2016
This session was an introduction to the new project and that
it would be the required 30% as part of our Framing the visible grade. We
started the session with a discussion of what the session is and what they will
be about. These sessions are described as our development into a professional state
of mind for once we leave university. This will make us prepared for the professional
work environment and respectable employees. This is because employers have found
that graduates have little or no understanding of professionalism within a work
environment despite their knowledge of animation. Therefore, it is important to
gain an understanding of both sides of employment.
After that, we were handed scripts where group members took
on the roles of different people within different scenarios. We then discussed
their attitudes within the situations and how they were professional or how
they could have improved. From this I learnt that it is important to be clear
with someone rather than ‘dance’ around the subject. This is because it is
essential to state a subject and for the recipient to understand that subject clearly,
this can then be solved effectively. An example of this could be that and an
employer is unhappy that an employee is late. Therefore the employer would be
unclear why he/she is unhappy, the employee would then clearly explain why
which would then allow the situation/ conversation progress.
Next, we were given the task to create a snowflake by following
instructions with our eyes closed. As a group we followed the instructions
correctly, however ending with very different snowflakes. This was done to make
us realise the flaws in the instructions. This made me realise that I must be
clear in my instructions and points I wish to make because there is the risk
that the recipient may not understand the task as clearly as me.
After that, we had the task of following instructions on a
sheet. On this sheet were a list of instructions for us to do. We were told
that we had three minutes to complete the sheet and everyone started at the same
time. This sheet is designed to trick people and challenge if people are
reading their assignments properly. This is because questions 1,2 and 20 are the
only ones that need to be completed if read correctly, the tasks in-between are
used as evidence that the person has not read them properly. This is because of
the wording of the question which says to read all tasks carefully, then
complete them (1 and 20 are the only ones that need to be completed.). I had
misread the questions and completed the sheet incorrectly. From this I learnt
to read any given brief, question or task twice an carefully to ensure I am
following it correctly.
Thursday 5th February 2016
Within this session we discussed desirably and essential
traits that employers search for. We provided a wide range of traits including:
being a team player, knowledge of current software, problem solving etc. This
made us realise the different things that employers search for and what we must
accept are our limits and be confident in our strengths. This is because we
discussed about applications to employers and that we must be clear what we
want to be within a team. This is because some graduates do not make it clear
what they want to be; this is unprofessional as you must be clear what you are
good at and what you cannot do.
From this list, we were then given the task to note three traits
we saw in ourselves. These would be traits that would be desirable by a
potential employer. I wrote on my sheet: Focus, Determination and Organisation.
This is because I have a passion to accomplish tasks and challenges and that
gives me the drive and focus to accomplish those give tasks. This is also
completed with organisation as I believe it is important to clearly organise
your work and tasks which demonstrates that I am in control of my work and
From there we were then separated into groups where we would
note three traits of other members. This was done because people may see
different traits in each other than themselves. From this group task I was
given: Initiative, Leadership and Determination. As this was not discussed with
as a group because other group members would give each other these traits. I
feel that I have demonstrated these traits when needed such as leadership;
however I try not to be a leader at times because I wish to work under a leader
and accomplish the tasks given rather than giving tasks. Despite this, when a
leader must arise within a group I am willing to take this roles to complete
the task as a group. We were then asked if we agreed with the traits that the others
had given which everyone agreed with.
Finally, we were then assigned a task to create a five-minute
presentation about a role within the animation industry. We were all given
different roles within a team which we had to research, which would be part of a production such as a
film or TV series. We were given the roles based upon the traits that were
given by other group members. From this I was given the role of ‘Animation
Director’ to research. This presentation’s deadline is: Friday 19th February
Continuing with the definition of an animation director I searched other sources on what an animation director is. As i found there are a range of arguments as to what an animation director is because many different people have very different views on what borders as a director and animation director. In the end I found that the animation director works under a director in a given production and their role is to lead the animators during production.
This slide shows some quotes I found online.
Moving on from the disagreements, I found some of the responsibilities of an animation director. These include:
I felt it would be appropriate to give an example of an Animation Director and found: Genndy Tartakovsky. I am a big fan of his work through the performance of his characters as well as his style. Furthermore as you can see in the images on the slide, his style is consistent throughout his work.
[Reference Slide]
I started research with searching what an Animation Director does and what the definition of an Animation Director is.
Therefore I will go through this next section per slide and explain how I found this information. The information is brief as the presentation is only five minutes long.
I started by researching how the title 'animation director' is defined. I found that on the Creative Skills Set (CSS) website had two separate definitions.
There is a series director and an animation director which I believed was more to what i was looking for. However I felt it was important to show that there are different views on what an animation director is.
Continuing with the definition of an animation director I searched other sources on what an animation director is. As i found there are a range of arguments as to what an animation director is because many different people have very different views on what borders as a director and animation director. In the end I found that the animation director works under a director in a given production and their role is to lead the animators during production.
This slide shows some quotes I found online.
Moving on from the disagreements, I found some of the responsibilities of an animation director. These include:
- The supervision of other animators to ensure quality and consistency throughout production
- Managing the animation team to ensure work is completed on time and that the work has not gone over budget
Overall they are the manager of the animation team that oversees the production of the animation. This could be said that the animation director has creative control over the animation.
I felt it would be appropriate to give an example of an Animation Director and found: Genndy Tartakovsky. I am a big fan of his work through the performance of his characters as well as his style. Furthermore as you can see in the images on the slide, his style is consistent throughout his work.
[Reference Slide]
[Bibliography Slide]
I had also prepared some initial notes for the presentation.
I feel that I have created a short but effective presentation and I will reflect on my performance in the future.
Friday 19th February 2016
Today I presented to the rest of the group about the information i found about the role of an Art Director. As mentioned beforehand I created a Powerpoint presentation which would only be around 3-5 minutes long and that I will reflect my presentation once I had presented it.
I had taken notes on the points I would say and planned to keep the presentation short and concise. Throughout the presentation I was nervous as I do not like public speaking, however this will be a part of my career and I must get used to this fact.
I ensured throughout the presentation I projected my voice and that I was looking at the audience, I also tried to be confident in standing in front of the group to make my presentation effective.
I feel that my presentation could have been better by my presentation skills and presence. Because I was nervous my presentation faltered and I didn't get all of the points I wanted across. This is because I have all of the information to present but feel nervous and only say some points.
I how to improve my presentation skills is through experience, rehearsal and time. I need more time to present more; that I can gain experience in presenting. I would also rehearse my presentations to ensure that all of the points are being said and that I am calm while presenting.
We have also been given the brief for this project.
It outlines tasks that we must complete before the deadline: 25th April
These tasks include:
1. Write up a review of at least two professional conferences/talks or exhibitions you
have visited this year. (Can include two sessions from the animation festival or
2. Notes and assignments you are set during the unit.
3. Keep a blog (can be the same as your animation blog)
I believe I can accomplish these tasks before the deadline as I have already completed two of them: Keep a blog and the two events reviews. Because I have already reviewed the Manchester Animation Festival and Manimation on this same blog.
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