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Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Unit X 2017 Key Blog Post 2: Line of Enquiry

Line Of Enquiry

May 2017

Moving on from the research stage as a group we began to generate concepts and ideas from our research. As a group we held meetings over social media and software’s such as ‘Skype’ and ‘Discord’, this way we can effectively speak to each other regardless of location or time. From these meetings we developed the idea of creating a 360 degree video, which would be a dynamic and engaging experience. As a group we have no experience in creating a 360 video therefore our objective was to research and learn how to produce this.

As a group we decided this was an effective idea to move forward with. Following this; we discussed a concept of our work. Through meetings and personal research, we produced discussed several concepts inspired by both the story of Cinderella and William Wilde’s work.

Discussing key developments, the discovery of the simplicity of producing a 360 video was significant one. This acted personally as a morale booster because through personal research I discovered the simplicity of the process at an early stage; this way I had time to develop a concept and anticipate potential future challenges during production.
During the pitch presentation, we discovered that the client did not understand the concept of a 360 video as this has been only a recent development. We explained it the concept and why we have chosen this route and the response form the client was positive.

As a large group work was distributed amongst members, roles were delegated and individual skills were utilised to their fullest potential. Personally, from the beginning I took it upon myself to create the organisational frame-work for the group to ensure progress is monitored and help other team members understand the layout of the project. I did this by creating Trello boards and updating it with information and recourses the whole team could access.

During production, we found that deadlines collided and that everyone within the team would not be available during the whole project; this called for a re-evaluation of the roles. Discussing as a team we organised our team’s available times during production and allocated roles to the most appropriate team-member. This allowed our team to organise ourselves and responsibilities within the Unit X project and other outside responsibilities.
As we discussed roles I was surprised that my role had changed from managing the 3D aspects to creating the assets for the model. I did not anticipate I would be creating significant aesthetic assets for the project because I would like to specialise in 3D. However I find this an interesting opportunity to further my animation and a challenge to produce an appealing animated character. 

Our main objective within this project was to keep the technicalities simple yet effective; overall efficient. This way we can prepare to face potential problems in the future and have time to resolve them before the deadline. As mentioned previously my role had recently changed to creating assets for the main model within the video. This will involve me fully animating the model and exporting it as an image sequence; to be added within the 3D scene.

As mentioned previously, all members have been assigned their roles. These roles are all significant for the production of this video however these responsibilities will not occur simultaneously. Each member has been assigned a role based upon their preference and availability; we intend to meet our personal deadlines to ensure the hand-over to the next stage of production will be efficient.

I will produce my assets by firstly planning with thumbnails and storyboards. After the planning stage I will produce the lines and colour which will make up the final animation. This will then be passed onto another team member who will integrate it within the 3D scene. As a team we have planned a production pipeline that the assets are managed accordingly and can be effectively integrated with one-another for optimal efficiency.